Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday!! Day Popular Cheating


In affair, it turns out there is a day where most people diving affair. According to a poll, the answer is Thursday.

Originally lasting relationships is the desire of every couple. However, it is often tarnished by the presence of infidelity. Previously, we already know, this is the place in which the person in the affair. Apparently in addition to the place, there is also the favorite day for cheating.

In a 2698 poll, which was followed by a swinger in London, Thursday is a popular day chosen for cheating. Especially affair conducted in the hotel.

Some 56 percent of respondents stated that they did this before together with his family on weekends. Some 63 percent swinger choose clock home office, which ended at 17.00 for cheating.

While in terms of frequency, 53 percent of participants had an affair in the hotel once a month. Only one percent do so more than once a week, such as reported by Genius Beauty.

Noel Biderman who initiated this poll says, "is not a secret if the hotel was used as a place for cheating away from home and family. Flexibility is very important. "

Freeport Assembly Decision Postponed

JAKARTA - Judge District Court (PN) in South Jakarta ultimately delaying the decision of cancellation of the contract work of PT Freeport Indonesia. This is because Judge Sukoharsono still recovering from the pain of post-operative eye.

"The trial we delay because my eyes are sore post-surgery. So the decision of the trial will be conducted Thursday next week," said Sukoharsono at the South Jakarta District Court on Thursday (09/06/2012).

This makes the team advocating Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice (IHCS) upset. They assess the decision of the court is always postponed Freeport-retreat. However, she said she was ready to attend the next session.

"We will continue to follow this court to read out his decision," said Chief Executive IHSC Gunawan.

Previously, the lawsuit Freeport contract of work that has entered the final stages of the trial process has been traversed since June 14, 2011 to arrive at the sentencing stage / decision.

The plaintiff, in this case IHCS, is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) which is always a defense against violations of human rights, both civil and political rights and economic rights, social and cultural rights. "We will continue, in the interest of society at large, we have a legal interest in filing this lawsuit," he said.

Building Your Personal Brand (Pt 1 of 2)

Describe yourself in one word.
What’s the word?
What one word do others use to describe you?
(Don’t know? Ask a few people.)
Is it the same word?
That word is your reputation, your personal brand.
Is that the brand you want and need to accomplish your goals in your marketplace?
If not, that could be what’s holding you back.
The world is changing all around us (noticed yet?). The 40-year job security is a laughable memory. Pension? Social security? Hilarious!
No, in this day and age YOU have to create your own security. You already know that. That’s why you read this blog and SUCCESS magazine (smart!).
In this whirlwind of change the only thing that is constant and your greatest asset, no matter what the future holds, is your personal brand. It is your only security for your future.
It’s time we build your brand—the one you want and need for your greater future.
First off, let me dispel what you might think a personal brand is. It is not your business card, brochure, website or magnetic car signs.
Your personal brand is the powerful, clear, positive idea that comes to mind whenever other people think of you. It’s what you stand for—the values, abilities and actions that others associate with you. Your personal brand tells your audience: Who you are, What you do and What makes you different or How you create value for your target market.
Look, here’s the deal… know it or not, like it or not, YOU are a brand.
And you have been shaping your brand since you first started walking and talking.
Every day, through every communication and interaction you have, every room you walk into, every hand you shake, every picture you post, blog you publish, comment you make, tweet, ‘Like’ or Facebook posting you make, you are sculpting your brand. These many thousands of chisel marks ultimately shape the statue that is your personal brand.
So the question becomes, How does your statue look to date? Is it as magnificent as Michelangelo’s David or might you need to improve your sculpting skills, just a bit?
Over the next couple posts I’ll outline a 5-point Game Plan to help you select, develop, package, distribute and reinforce your new, beautiful and compelling brand.
5-Point Personal Brand-Building Game Plan  
ONE—Pick Your Word
Select your brand. Forcing it into a single word causes you to become crystal clear, thus making it clear how to live up to your word and for others to understand you, in a single word.
Example: What word would you use to describe me and my brand?
My hope is you quickly picked the word “success.” Not because of the title on my business card or the masthead of our magazine, but because I personify, live up to, deliver on that word, every day in every conversation. The way I walk, talk, dress, show up, perform and deliver on every commitment I make. I am intentional about living up to and demonstrating that word in all that I do and all that I am. That’s my brand.
What’s your word? What’s your brand? Pick it now.
I want to give you some time to think about and come up with your word and we’ll continue the discussion next week.
What single word sums all that you aim for? Write the word you you’ve chosen in the comments below.